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Exercise counters cognitive decline

Aug 14, 2017 | Physical Therapy News

With an aging population and continued projected increases for age-related cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, these findings give hope that older adults can help delay the onset of cognitive decline. 

The study provided 6,400 people aged 65 years and older with an activity tracker for a week, and assessed their cognitive abilities during tasks. After three years, people who performed moderate-to-vigorous levels of physical activity were significantly less likely to experience cognitive problems than those who were sedentary or did light physical activity. 

Other studies have shown that receiving physical therapy first for low back pain lowers costs, including basic education from a physical therapist prior to back surgery, and in instances when advanced imaging has been prescribed. 

As movement experts, physical therapists can design exercise programs for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease to include keeping them active and independent for as long as possible.
— American Physical Therapy Association

ProActive Sports Rehab, with offices in Hamburg and West Seneca, offers one-on-one physical therapy and rehabilitation services. For more information, please call 674-9600 (West Seneca office) or 648-8700 (Hamburg office). You can also follow ProActive Sports Rehab on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ProActiveSportsRehab for frequent updates.